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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

According to available knowledge the history of the ancient city Anavarza (Anazarbus) goes back to 2100 years, and it has reached its zenith in the 2nd century BC when it was awarded by the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

According to available knowledge the history of the ancient city Anavarza (Anazarbus) goes back to 2100 years, and it has reached its zenith in the 2nd century BC when it was awarded by the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

Anavarza rapidly developed and became the capital of Cilicia in 408. The city maintained its significance through the Byzantine era, and hosted other cultures after wards.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

Armenians, Abbasids, Seljuk, Ramadanids, and Ottomans all left their diverse imprint on Anavarza and traces of these cultures could be seen today.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The cultural diversity was the main grounds on which the ancient city was included in the UNESCO Tentative List of World Heritage and it is a remarkable ancient settlement with ruins and legends.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

Anavarza has been the capital of the region for a while, and it was renowned as the centre of festivals and sport tournaments.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The ruins of stadium and theatre would help visitors visualise the enjoyable sights and struggles that took place on those stages in antiquity.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The colonnaded high street, mosaic lined pools are other attractive structures of the ancient city.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The Rock Church from 6th century, and the Church of Apostles are Byzantine, and the Arabian inscription panel on a tower just outside the West Gate of the city indicates the Abbasid era.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The city walls around the settlement of Anavarza are 1,500 metres long, and one of the gates was designed as a triumphal arch, dating back to 3rd century.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The current excavations found an ancient high street and a section it was unearthed to reveal a 32 m wide 1,700 m long road which is believed to be one of the widest and longest colonnaded streets of antiquity.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

The citadel of the city has not lost its strategic importance for hundreds of years, and risen on top of a 200 meter-high hill dominating the plains below.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

While the pathway to citadel is quite steep and jagged, the difficult climb is worthy, enabling visitors to see the mid-eleventh century church there and have a panoramic view of the Çukurova plains of Cilicia.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

Physician Dioscorides, a prominent citizen of Anavarza, has been regarded a founding father of medicine and pharmacology.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

His book, De Materia Medica, which has been thought in the universities all around the world for hundreds of years, was the oldest known pharmacopoeia, book of preparing medications, and it was believed to be written in the city.

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Ancient city Anavarza: A remarkable settlement with ruins and legends

Anavarza City of Antiquity is situated near Dilekkaya village of the Kozan County, and it is approximately 70 kilometres to Adana city centre.