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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

Located within the boundaries of Boğazkale District, southwest of Çorum, Hattusha had served as the capital of the Hittite Empire for 450 years, between 1650-1200 BC, extending over a 180-hectare rough and rocky terrain.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

Located within the boundaries of Boğazkale District, southwest of Çorum, Hattusha had served as the capital of the Hittite Empire for 450 years, between 1650-1200 BC, extending over a 180-hectare rough and rocky terrain.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

During the Hittite Empire, this magnificent city used to be surrounded by 6 kilometers long city walls with high towers at certain intervals.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

The monumental gateways through these walls made entries and exits possible at old times.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

Such gates as Aslanlı Kapı (which has lion statues on it- so to say, the Lion's Gate), the Sphinx Gate and the Royal Gate are decorated with reliefs indicating a high talent and taste of delicate stonemasonry.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

Sphinx Gate

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

Royal Gate

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

The Hittite Empire ruled across a wide geography, dominating lots of people of different origins.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

In so doing, different communities under the dominance of Hittites were made to live together under a central power.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

Together with their unique cultural elements, the Indo-European Hittites had adopted many other cultural details of various cultures they met and found acceptable to their own while defining themselves as the Nation of One Thousand Gods.

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Hattusha: The Hittite capital which defies time

As the most impressive centre of divinity, Yazılıkaya Open Air Shrine was especially used for the new year celebrations during spring months.