Salep ice cream is literally not sold anywhere else in the world, and it's main ingredient – salep – is protected by Turkey and not exported.
Tavuk Göğsü
This dish's name means literally "chicken breast," and it gets its name for good reason. The white chicken meat in the dish is actually not used for flavor at all, and you won't notice them in the least.
It's a simple dish of whole milk, sugar, white rice and starch to thicken it. On top is a golden-brown skin and is one of the more common dishes you'll find in homes or in restaurants.
It's more or less the same custardy dish as Tavuk Göğsü, only it's cooked a second time in a metal tray so that one side of the pudding caramelizes completely.
Muhallebi is another custardy dish that is best served cold on a hot summer day. It is served in different ways, but sometimes mastic is added to it, or chocolate.