The EU Commission proposed on Wednesday to amend the EU Gas Directive to improve the functioning of the EU internal energy market and enhance solidarity between member states.
"The aim of the amendment is to complete the existing Gas Directive (2009/73/EC) and clarify that the core principles of EU energy legislation (third-party access, tariff regulation, ownership unbundling and transparency) will apply to all gas pipelines to and from third countries up to the border of the EU's jurisdiction," it said in a statement.
The Commission said the amendment would ensure all pipelines entering the EU would comply with its rules.
It added that it would also contribute to meeting the goals of the EU gas market, which includes increasing competition between gas suppliers while providing a boost to energy security in the EU.
"Ensuring that all major pipelines wholly or partly located in EU territory are operated efficiently under a regime of transparent regulatory oversight will diminish conflicts of interests between infrastructure operators and gas suppliers, and guarantee non-discriminatory tariff setting," it said.
The Commission also proposed to allow member countries to be able to grant existing cross-border pipelines certain derogations from the application of the Directive on a "case-by-case basis."
Once the European Parliament and European Council adopt the amendment, it will become law, according to the statement.
The EU's dependency on imported natural gas has been growing, the statement read. "This trend is likely to continue due to falling domestic gas production while being only partly offset by falling gas demand due to energy efficiency and decarbonization policies."