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Brazil's Lula calls for G20 to be included in Ukraine peace process

"We condemn the Russian invasion, but there is no point talking about who is right or wrong. The war must end!" Lula demanded after meeting with Spanish President Pedro Sánchez in Madrid on Wednesday.

Published April 26,2023

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has reiterated his call for peace talks without preconditions between Russia and Ukraine.

"We condemn the Russian invasion, but there is no point talking about who is right or wrong. The war must end!" Lula demanded after meeting with Spanish President Pedro Sánchez in Madrid on Wednesday.

The conflict could only be brought to an end through talks, the Brazilian president added.

Lula also suggested "a G20 of peace", referring to the G20 group of leading economic powers.

"The permanent members of the UN Security Council are the biggest arms sellers in the world. Maybe it's time for us, the countries that don't have a permanent seat, to speak up," he said, citing Egypt and South Africa as states that were not being included in the peace negotiations.

Sánchez thanked Lula for his commitment but stressed that Russia started the conflict.

"We must not forget that in this war there is an attacker and one who was attacked," the Spanish president said.

Sánchez said international law must be respected and "a just and lasting peace" must be achieved. "Therefore, we must listen to the voice of the country under attack."