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Secret Service covering up true origin of cocaine found in White House to protect Hunter Biden: 2024 hopeful

During an interview with Tucker Carlson at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, former South Carolina governor and 2024 presidential candidate Nikki Haley accused the Secret Service of covering up the true origin of the cocaine found in the White House to protect Hunter Biden, son of President Biden.

Agencies and A News AMERICAS
Published July 15,2023

Nikki Haley, a former South Carolina governor and 2024 presidential candidate, has accused the Secret Service of covering up the true origin of the cocaine found in the White House.

Haley, who spoke to Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Friday, said that she believes the cocaine belonged to either Hunter Biden, the son of President Biden, or someone close to the president. She also said that she believes the Secret Service is not being transparent about the investigation into the cocaine's origins.

The Secret Service has said that it could not identify how the cocaine found its way into the White House, and that the cocaine did not contain any usable DNA or fingerprints. The White House has also refused to answer questions about the cocaine, calling them "irresponsible."

Haley's accusations have been met with skepticism by some, who point out that the Secret Service is a highly professional organization and that there is no evidence to suggest that they are covering up anything. However, Haley's accusations have also been echoed by some other Republicans, who have called for a more thorough investigation into the cocaine's origins.

The cocaine was found in a storage locker inside the West Wing executive entrance on July 2. The locker was not within view of cameras, but Haley said that she believes there are cameras in the area. She also said that the area is very secure, and that it is unlikely that the cocaine could have been brought into the White House without being seen.

The Secret Service's investigation into the cocaine's origins lasted just 11 days. The agency said that it closed the investigation because it was unable to identify any suspects.

The cocaine's discovery has raised questions about Hunter Biden's drug use. Hunter Biden has admitted to struggling with drug addiction in the past, and he has been photographed using drugs in the past. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Hunter Biden was the one who brought the cocaine into the White House.

The cocaine's discovery has also raised questions about the Secret Service's security procedures. The Secret Service is responsible for protecting the president and his family, and the White House is one of the most secure buildings in the world. However, the cocaine's discovery raises questions about whether the Secret Service is doing enough to prevent drugs from entering the White House.