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US President Biden spotted on vacation

President Biden was spotted relaxing by the seaside with his wife, Jill Biden. His extended time away from the White House is now drawing criticism.

Agencies and A News AMERICAS
Published July 31,2023

Amid debates over his potential candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, President Biden chose to relax at a seaside location. Biden, who had been criticized for taking vacations, was seen at a beach in Delaware, accompanied by First Lady Jill Biden, reading materials under a beach umbrella.

Republicans have been quick to criticize Biden for his frequent vacations, as he has spent nearly 40% of his term away from Washington. The Biden famil, however, is set to spend another week at their vacation spot, with international media highlighting that Biden has spent hundreds of days outside of Washington during his presidency. Despite being away, President Biden's team is keeping him updated on matters, and he continues to receive security briefings and stay in communication with his aides during his travels.

President Biden's vacation also came during a period of intense heatwaves in the United States. On Thursday, he urged people to "stay hydrated, cool, and visit shopping centers to stay safe."