Former US ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha admits spying for Cuba for more than 40 years

Former US ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha admits spying for Cuba for more than 40 years

According to media reports on Friday, Victor Manuel Rocha, a former US Ambassador to Bolivia, has admitted to acting as an unauthorized agent for Cuba for more than four decades. The 73-year-old is alleged to have been surreptitiously passing information to the Cuban government since 1981, as reported by the BBC.

Former US Ambassador to Bolivia Victor Manuel Rocha admitted that he has been acting as an illegal agent for Cuba for over 40 years, media reports said on Friday.

Rocha, 73, is accused of secretly transferring data to the Cuban government since 1981, according to the BBC.

He has worked for the US State Department and the National Security Council between 1981 and 1995, and has since held other senior posts.

Undertaking the post of the US ambassador to Bolivia in 2000-2002, the former official on Thursday changed his initial plea of not guilty before the court in Miami, Florida.

On April 12, he is expected to be sentenced after a hearing, bringing one of the most high-profile espionage cases between Havana and Washington to an unexpectedly swift conclusion.

Rocha is charged with three criminal counts, including conspiring to act as an agent of a foreign government, acting as an agent of a foreign government without prior notification to the Attorney General, and using a passport obtained by false statement.