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Turkish modern art exhibition opens in Netherlands next week

Anadolu Agency ART
Published November 26,2022

An exhibition of Turkish modern art is set to open its doors to the world's art enthusiasts next week in the Netherlands.

The works of Dutch painter Rembrandt will also be on display at the Aura/Contemporary Turkish Art exhibition, said artist Hülya Yazıcı, who heads the Independent Art Association that is organizing the event beginning on Dec. 3 in the Hague.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, the exhibition's global communication partner, Yazıcı said the association had hosted numerous international artists in Türkiye during the Istanbul Triennial, which it has been organizing since 2010.

She added this would be the first time the event is taking place, noting the challenge it would be to transport "the works of so many artists abroad."

"We actually set out to do this three years ago. As we were about to leave, our path was cut off due to the pandemic. This year, we gathered to realize this exhibition," she said.


People around the world communicate the most through art, according to Yazıcı, who said that through the exhibition, they wanted to send messages of positivity.

"While parts of the world are unfortunately associated with war and bad events, we want to give positive messages to the world through art," explained the artist, underlining the importance of building "cultural bridges between countries."

She said they hoped to elicit "positive development" between the Netherlands and Türkiye with the exhibition and added: "As the Independent Art Association, we strive to be a cultural ambassador on the path of art."

Yazıcı said the group had plans for another project in Shusha, a city in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, and intended "to bring Turkish contemporary artists to other cities in Europe."

The exhibition's curator, Ahmet Özel, said the event would host a total of 84 works by 18 artists using a variety of techniques.

Özel pointed out that cultural and artistic contacts between Türkiye and the Netherlands started at the beginning of the 18th century, stating that this time, they wanted to connect that relationship with contemporary art.

Organized with the support of the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry, as well as the Yunus Emre Institute, Turkish Tourism Promotion and Development Agency, Istanbul Gelişim University, and various companies, the exhibition will be open until Jan. 1, 2023.