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Erdoğan: Lawless Israel now threat not only to Palestine, Lebanon but entire world

"Lawless Israel' is now threat not only to Palestine, Lebanon but to all of humanity, the entire world. How many more children need to die to see that Israel's invasive policies threaten the entire region? Look, this is not a path that can continue," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed in his comments while speaking at the AK Party Extended Provincial Chairpersons Meeting.

Agencies and A News DIPLOMACY
Published July 30,2024

"They committed acts of barbarism that eclipsed Hitler, the most infamous figure of the last century. Gaza today becomes the world's largest extermination camp. Lawless Israel' is now a threat not only to Palestine, and Lebanon but to all of humanity, the entire world. How many more children need to die to see that Israel's invasive policies threaten the entire region? Look, this is not a path that can continue. This genocide, brutality, and barbarism must be stopped immediately before it is too late," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed in his speech while speaking at the AK Party Extended Provincial Chairpersons Meeting.

Key points from President Erdoğan's remarks:

"A brutal genocide has been occurring in Gaza for nearly 300 days. Israeli forces have cowardly martyred 40,000 of our Palestinian brothers and sisters, including 16,000 children, by raining bombs on them. 100,000 Palestinian brothers and sisters have been injured or disabled.

They have gone so far as to shoot babies in incubators. They have descended so low as to massacre people waiting in line for food. They have bombed mosques, churches, and schools, becoming blinded with rage. Even war has its laws; Israel has ignored even these. They have committed barbarities that overshadow the vilest figure of the last century, Hitler.

Today, Gaza has turned into the world's largest 'extermination camp.' It is unthinkable for anyone with even an ounce of conscience, regardless of their faith, to remain silent in the face of the human tragedy occurring in Gaza. However, Western leaders and organizations tasked with maintaining international security have been watching this brutality from a distance for almost 300 days. Bloodthirsty murderers are being hosted and applauded in the House of Representatives as if 40,000 innocent Gazans and 16,000 children had not been brutally killed.

Apart from a few countries, the Islamic world is not showing any resolve to stop the oppression and say 'enough' to the oppressor. Now, I ask you all... Is it possible for someone who calls themselves human or Muslim to condone such a situation? If the United Nations Security Council does not take responsibility today, for heaven's sake, when will it? How many more thousands of children need to die for the world to recognize that Israel's expansionist policies threaten the entire region?

This path is not the right path. Under Netanyahu's administration, the direction Israel is heading is not right. The end of this recklessness, this brutality, and the hypocrisy exhibited by the West will, I fear, end very badly. The writing is on the wall. Who can guarantee that those who have fixed their eyes on Lebanon after killing 40,000 innocent people in Gaza will not extend their dirty hands elsewhere tomorrow?

We are not the only ones asking this question; all the states in the region are asking it. Israel is the only country in our region whose borders are still undefined. Israel is the country that has fattened itself by occupying the lands of other countries in our region. Israel is the only country in our region that seeks its security through aggression, massacre, and land grabbing.

Israel acts not like a legitimate state but like a terrorist organization. Although Hamas agreed to a ceasefire with our encouragement, the side prolonging the war, shedding blood, and committing massacres is Israel and its government. The lawless Israeli state is not only a threat to Palestine and Lebanon; at this point, it is a threat to all of humanity and the entire world.

Hitler was stopped, albeit late, by the alliance of the United States and the Soviet Union. Before it's too late, this genocide, this savagery, this barbarity must be stopped immediately by the unity of humanity. Those who hold the reins of Netanyahu's administration must say 'stop' to this massacre network immediately.

We are fully aware of what the criminal called Netanyahu is trying to do and how he wants to drag our region and the entire world into a catastrophe. We are also well aware of the real intention behind the efforts to spread the fire in Gaza to the entire region.

Whatever we do, we do it to prevent such a scenario. Whatever we say, we say it to stop the bloodshed and tears in our region.

I have said it many times before; we are a nation whose National Anthem begins with the words 'do not be afraid.' The insolent messages of keyboard clowns do not frighten us, do not intimidate us, and do not deter us from walking the path we believe in.

Let them get as ugly as they want, let them sink as low as they want. They cannot chain Erdoğan's words or his heart. They cannot prevent Erdoğan from shouting the truth and justice. We do not bow to anyone's threats. We do not yield to anyone's bullying. We do not fall for the provocations of bloodthirsty murderers.

Let everyone understand and comprehend this very well. We embarked on this journey with our shrouds on. We have come this far by fighting. We have come this far with the support of God and our people. There were those who predicted our end through newspaper headlines; they were wrong. There were those who threatened us with the fate of the late Menderes and his friends; they were left empty-handed. There were those who wanted to overthrow us with terrorism, street terror, and coups; we defeated them all."