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Erdoğan holds phone with Somali counterpart Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to discuss Ethiopia tensions

On Sunday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had a phone conversation with Somali leader Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The two leaders addressed the tensions between Somalia and neighboring Ethiopia.

Anadolu Agency DIPLOMACY
Published August 11,2024

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke over the phone on Sunday with his Somali counterpart Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, discussing tensions between the African country and its neighbor Ethiopia.

Emphasizing the importance of cooperation between Türkiye and Somalia, Erdoğan said Ankara would continue its efforts to resolve tensions between Mogadishu and Addis Ababa, the Turkish Communications Directorate said on X.

He also said concrete results toward easing tensions are expected from an upcoming second round of Somalia-Ethiopia talks to be held in Türkiye's capital Ankara on Monday.

The two leaders also discussed bilateral ties as well as regional and global developments, the directorate added.

This came after another phone call between Erdoğan and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali earlier on Saturday, during which reconciliation was also on the agenda.

Ties between Ethiopia and Somalia have worsened since Ethiopia struck a deal with the breakaway region of Somaliland on Jan. 1.

Türkiye has been working to ease tensions between the two countries. An initial round of direct talks between the foreign ministers of Ethiopia and Somalia took place in Ankara in early July.