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Morocco, Israel sign 13 agreements on innovation, high technology

Anadolu Agency ECONOMY
Published May 24,2022

Morocco and Israel on Tuesday signed 13 memorandums of understanding (MoUs) in the field of innovation and high-tech industry.

The deals were the latest in efforts of Rabat and Tel Aviv to boost their relations since the normalization of their ties late 2020.

The MoUs were signed during a 3-day forum in Casablanca that brings together Moroccan and Israeli leaders, private and public sectors, around the theme of technological innovation in the fields of agribusiness, water, logistics, energy and sustainable development.

The primary objective of the event is to build a solid foundation for business opportunities between Morocco and Israel, to enable companies from both countries to add value to these sectors, as well as to explore the potential for creating technological jobs in the North African country.

Avi Hasson, CEO of Start-Up Nation Central, a non-profit group, said Morocco offers a framework conducive to innovation.

"Today we feel the desire to collaborate together for the benefit of both our countries to further transform our economies and address the common challenges that lie ahead," he said, highlighting the potential that Morocco has through its innovation ecosystem.

"We want to seal strong links between Moroccan and Israeli companies, because innovation requires first of all a broad and solid collaboration allowing interconnectivity between the different ecosystems," said Hasson, adding that the cooperation links should be established at all levels of the public and private sectors of both countries.

The forum saw a pre-recorded speech of Israeli President Isaac Herzog.