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Erdoğan: We closed the year 2023 with a total of 355 billion dollars in exports

Addressing the Export Champions Awards Ceremony of the Turkish Exporters Assembly, President Erdoğan expressed his gratitude for the country's triumph in foreign trade, attributing it to the collective endeavors of all involved. He acknowledged that this achievement has not only been acknowledged by their own government, but also evident in the data. Despite facing challenges such as the Russia-Ukraine war and February 6 earthquakes, Türkiye was able to conclude 2023 with favorable export results, totaling 355 billion dollars. This included 255.4 billion dollars in goods exports and 101.7 billion dollars in services exports.

Agencies and A News ECONOMY
Published June 08,2024

Speaking at the Export Champions Awards Ceremony of the Turkish Exporters Assembly, President Erdoğan said, "The success story that Türkiye has written in foreign trade, with your efforts, is not only recognized by us but also clearly reflected in the numbers. Despite the Russia-Ukraine war and the February 6 earthquakes, thankfully, we had a good year in exports in 2023. We closed the year 2023 with a total of 355 billion dollars in exports, including 255.4 billion dollars in goods exports and 101.7 billion dollars in services exports."


The Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) held its 31st General Assembly and Export Champions Awards Ceremony at the Haliç Congress Center with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Addressing the General Assembly members, President Erdoğan said, "In our culture, skill is subject to appreciation. Acknowledging success not only honors the achievement but also paves the way for new accomplishments. A moment ago, our esteemed Chairman and Trade Minister detailed the contributions of our exporters to the Turkish economy. It is impossible for any citizen of this country not to feel proud of such a success, which is clearly evident in the figures. I would like to thank each of our 150,000 exporters for delivering our products carrying the 'Made in Türkiye' mark to all corners of the world. I always say, we see our exporters as the vanguard of trade diplomacy, pioneers, and flag bearers of the Turkish economy abroad. It has been both a privilege and an honor to walk this path with you so far. In all our efforts, I have always been by your side. As Prime Minister and President, we have kept our doors wide open for you. We have tried to personally address every issue you faced, finding practical, sustainable, and lasting solutions. You worked, and we helped you. You produced, and we supported you. You exported, and we facilitated your business. You sought new markets, and we paved the way for you. In every meeting we held with visiting heads of state and government, your requests were always on the agenda. We ensured your participation in nearly every overseas visit. We built trade bridges between our country and the rest of the world through agreements, forums, fairs, and events. Together, we have brought Türkiye from a country with an annual export of only 36 billion dollars to its current levels. The exports we achieved in a week in 2002, we now realize in a day."


Erdoğan continued, "We have spread exports across the country, and there is no province left that does not export. In 2023, we have firms in 48 provinces capable of being among the top thousand exporters. Keyboard economists may not see this. Saloon politicians may not know this. Those pontificating from their ivory towers may not understand this. But you, my brothers who are involved in this business, who put their hands under the stone and take Turkish goods to all corners of the world, know these realities very well. In the first five months of 2024 alone, TİM members organized 79 delegations to 42 countries. I see very well the immense potential of the Turkish economy. We do not pay attention to what others say; we look at you. We walk the path with you."


Erdoğan added, "We will continue to strengthen our partnership in the future. Both my Vice President, my Trade Minister, and all other relevant ministers are always by your side. I and my close associates are also your greatest supporters. There can be no bureaucrat or politician that our exporters, industrialists, domestic and foreign investors, or producers cannot reach. Those who distance themselves from the public, the business world, and the real sector, no offense, but we will also distance ourselves from them. I repeat at every opportunity. Exports are the locomotive of the Turkish economy. Exports are the shortest path to achieving Türkiye's goals. Türkiye is a country that must grow not by consuming but by producing, creating employment, and exporting. The 150,000 brothers represented by the Turkish Exporters Assembly perform such an important duty on behalf of our country."


Erdoğan continued, "With your efforts, you are also enabling the promotion of Türkiye and the transformation of Turkish products into global brands. Therefore, we cannot allow anyone to waste, obstruct, or complicate all these efforts. I thank each and every one of you for believing in Türkiye, trusting Türkiye, and utilizing Türkiye's potential. Dear friends, the success story that Türkiye has written in foreign trade, with your efforts, is not only recognized by us but also clearly reflected in the numbers. Despite the Russia-Ukraine war and the February 6 earthquakes, thankfully, we had a good year in exports in 2023. We closed the year 2023 with a total of 355 billion dollars in exports, including 255.4 billion dollars in goods exports and 101.7 billion dollars in services exports."


Erdoğan added, "With this export amount, we broke the record of the Republic's history last year. With the figures announced last week, we have taken it to a higher level. Our May exports of 24.1 billion dollars were recorded as the highest May export value in history. This record also brought another record. Our May exports were also the highest monthly export value of all time. As of May, our annualized exports reached 260.1 billion dollars, breaking another record with a 2.3 percent increase compared to the previous year. Positive data on the import side accompanied the good news in exports. The downward trend in our imports continued in May. Our imports decreased by 10.3 percent year-on-year in May. In May 2024, with the increase in exports and the decrease in imports, our foreign trade deficit decreased by 47.8 percent year-on-year."