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Environmental activist ties himself to flagpole on Paris Panthéon

Published October 31,2022

An environmental activist has taken down the French flag and tied himself to the flagpole on the roof of the Panthéon national hall of fame in Paris.

"This strong symbol was chosen to underline the serious danger that the French population is facing as the government is not taking important measures to stop global warming," the group Dernière Rénovation (Last Renovation) wrote on Twitter on Monday.

The group's name refers to its demand for France's buildings to be retrofitted for energy efficiency as a matter of urgency, a promise it says the Paris government has reneged on.

"It is now up to us, ordinary citizens, to enforce the commitments our government refuses to make. It is up to us to enter into civil resistance," it says on its website.

Photos showed the protest action of activist Sasha, 24, who was later taken off the roof by a fireman, according to the statement.

"There is no longer any scientific doubt that what awaits us if we don't act will be disastrous and unprecedented," wrote the group, which only a few days ago warned of an impending climate catastrophe with a motorway blockade near Paris.

"If I'm flying the flag at half-mast today, it's because we should mourn all the people who already die every year from floods, fires, famine: in short, climate change," activist Sasha wrote on Twitter.