PKK terror group member Mehmet Kopal extradited from France to Türkiye

PKK terror group member Mehmet Kopal extradited from France to Türkiye

On Wednesday, the Turkish General Directorate of Security (EGM) announced that Mehmet Kopal, a member of the PKK terrorist organization, has been extradited from France to Türkiye.

The Turkish General Directorate of Security (EGM) announced on Wednesday that Mehmet Kopal, a member of the PKK terrorist group, has been brought from France to Türkiye.

"Mehmet Kopal, who is wanted at the national level on the charge of 'being a member of the PKK/KCK armed terrorist organization', was brought to Türkiye from France on April 9 after a deportation decision was obtained as a result of the efforts carried out in coordination with EGM Interpol-Europol Department Presidency, TEM (counterterrorism bureau) Department Presidency, Intelligence Directorate, and the Foreign Affairs Ministry," an EGM statement said.

In its more than 35-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the US, and EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants.