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Many Germans of migrant-origin mull leaving Germany after far-right election win

A new study reveals that many Germans of migrant origin are contemplating emigration or relocating within Germany due to the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party's recent election victories. About one-quarter of those with a migrant background are considering leaving, with significant concern over the AfD's policies and its impact on their safety.

Anadolu Agency EUROPE
Published September 07,2024

Many Germans of migrant origin are thinking about emigrating or changing their federal state because of the latest regional election success of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in two eastern German states, according to a study published Friday.

The report by the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM) said around one-quarter of those with a migrant background are at least fundamentally thinking about leaving Germany.

It is almost 12% for those without a migrant background. Some 9.3% of respondents with a migrant background already have concrete plans to emigrate. For the other respondents, it was 1.9%, while 11.7% mentioned fundamental considerations for emigration.

The percentages are significantly higher when people are asked about plans or considerations about moving to another federal state if the right-wing extremist AfD is part of the government in their current residence.

The study said between 18% and 34% of people with a migrant background are considering such a change, depending on their region of origin, and 12.5% already have concrete plans to do it. The latter is particularly common (24.1%) among people with Arab origins.

Among those surveyed without a migrant background, 14.6% had such considerations and 3.4% already had concrete plans.

Almost 60% of respondents expressed fears about the AfD's plans for a mass expulsion of those with a migrant background and other undesirable people, what the party calls "remigration." according to the study.

Some 72.4% of those surveyed classified the AfD as anti-democratic and 80% said it was racist.