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EU condemns Houthi attacks on commercial ships in Red Sea

Published December 05,2023
(File Photo)

The European Union on Tuesday condemned last week's attacks by Yemeni Houthis on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

"These repeated attacks endanger international navigation and the lives of members of different crews," a EU statement said.

The bloc stressed the importance of "preserving navigational rights and freedoms of all vessels ... in accordance with international law."

The statement also called on the Houthis to immediately stop those "unacceptable" threats.

The EU also called for releasing the Galaxy Leader vessel and its crew.

The Houthis claimed on Nov. 19 that they had "seized" an Israeli ship, a claim later denied by Tel Aviv. Israel affirmed that the ship is owned by a British company and operated by a Japanese firm, denying that there were any Israeli personnel on board.

Previously, the Houthis had threatened to target ships owned or operated by Israeli companies as "support for Gaza," urging nations to withdraw their citizens working on the crews of these ships.