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EU condemns Russia’s decision to block numerous European news outlets

Published June 26,2024

The EU on Wednesday condemned Russia's decision to block 81 European news outlets which was in retaliation for a similar ban on several Russian media outlets.

Last month, the EU termed Voice of Europe, the RIA news agency, and the Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspapers as "Kremlin-linked propaganda networks" and stripped of their broadcasting rights in the 27-nation bloc.

"This decision further restricts access to free and independent information and expands the already severe media censorship in Russia," EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said in a statement.

Maintaining that banned European media operate according to journalism principles and provide factual information, including on Russia's war on Ukraine, he said: "In contrast, the Russian disinformation and propaganda outlets, against which the EU has introduced restrictive measures, do not represent a free and independent media."

"Respect for the freedom of expression and media is a core value for the EU. It will continue supporting availability of factual information also to audiences in Russia," he added.

Russia's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday said that in response to the bans imposed on Russian news outlets, "counter-restrictions are being introduced" on media from specific EU countries and pan-European media operators.

Among those banned are major outlets such as Der Spiegel, Agence France-Presse, Spain's El Mundo, France's Le Monde, Agence Europe, and Politico Europe.