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New AI-powered device to prevent sleep apnea and regulate oxygen levels

Sleep apnea, characterized by breathing pauses lasting at least 10 seconds, disrupts sleep and can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Dr. Mehmet Balcı from Konya Technical University, Türkiye, has developed an AI-powered device to prevent it.

Published August 20,2024

Sleep apnea is caused by breathing pauses lasting at least 10 seconds during sleep. It disrupts sleep patterns and, if untreated, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Dr. Mehmet Balcı, a lecturer in the Computer Technologies Department at Konya Technical University,Türkiye , has designed a new device using artificial intelligence to prevent sleep apnea.

Balcı provided the following information about the device:

"While traditional devices send air after detecting a narrowing in the patient's airway, our device detects this narrowing about 30 seconds before an apnea event occurs, preventing apneas entirely."

The dual-function device also regulates the amount of oxygen provided to the patient. It uses continuous, real-time machine learning to prevent apneas without disrupting sleep comfort. The AI-powered device can also be used for patients requiring respiratory support.

Balcı stated, "We believe this dual-function device not only enriches the surrounding air but also ensures that COPD patients receive adequate oxygen during sleep, addressing their needs effectively."

The prototype of the device is completed and the patent process is ongoing. It is expected to reduce the burden on hospital sleep services.