OIC adopts Istanbul declaration to fight against disinformation and Islamophobia

OIC adopts Istanbul declaration to fight against disinformation and Islamophobia

"Undoubtedly, disinformation and Islamophobia are among the strategies used by the colonial order established in the context of media and information in the international arena. Therefore, we need to wage an effective and multidimensional struggle in solidarity against this colonial order. For this reason, we have accepted the Istanbul Declaration at our Conference today," Fahrettin Altun said at a news conference.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) adopted a declaration to fight against disinformation and Islamophobia at the end of a meeting in Istanbul, Türkiye's communications director said on Saturday.

"Undoubtedly, disinformation and Islamophobia are among the strategies used by the colonial order established in the context of media and information in the international arena.

"Therefore, we need to wage an effective and multidimensional struggle in solidarity against this colonial order. For this reason, we have accepted the Istanbul Declaration at our Conference today," Fahrettin Altun said at a news conference following the 12th Conference of the Information Ministers of the OIC.

During the two-day conference in Istanbul, ministers and high-level representatives from 57 countries discussed several issues, seeking to deepen cooperation in the fields of media, communications, and information in the Islamic world.

The conference, held under the theme of "Combating Disinformation and Islamophobia in the Post-Truth Era," aimed to develop and strengthen the cooperation of Islamic countries in the field of media and communications.

The Istanbul Declaration, Altun said, was adopted at a critical time when the countries struggle against Islamophobia.

"In the declaration, we emphasized the importance of combating systematic disinformation in the digital age we live in.

"We have pointed out the threat that disinformation activities and fake news pose to the security of individuals and countries, as well as to the Muslim community and minorities around the world."

Altun said in the declaration they also reaffirmed commitment to the Palestinian cause and reiterated solidarity with Palestinian people.

"We have put forth a will to give more coverage to Israel's unlawful actions in Jerusalem in the member states' media and to share more with the international public the grievances of the Palestinian people against Israel's propaganda activities," he added.


In the Istanbul Declaration, members reiterated that the Islamic world unanimously condemns all forms of violence, extremism, radicalism and terrorism, Altun said.

"We agreed that the Secretariat General of the OIC should organize social media campaigns that reject terrorism, violence and extremism and call for dialogue and coexistence."

Altun also said they decided to form an international channel under the OIC to promote the activities of member countries and related institutions.

"Within the scope of the organization, we decided to draw up a road map through the Secretariat General for the establishment of an international channel and the financing of this channel," he added.

At the conference, a Saudi representative handed over to Türkiye the term presidency of the OIC Information Ministers Conference.

Altun said Azerbaijan will host the next information ministers conference.