Turkish boy amasses massive Lego collection

Turkish boy amasses massive Lego collection

Efe Bilgili, an 11-year-old boy living in central Turkey, has transformed his house into a Lego workshop by combining about 100,000 Lego pieces.

Residing in central Eskişehir province, Bilgili was just two-years old when he started to play with puzzles and construction toys.

Not much after, his enthusiasm for the toys turned into a passion with Legos.

A lego-aficionado, Bilgili redesigned a part of the house as a Lego workshop when the pieces couldn't fit into a room.

So far, he has combined about 100,000 Lego pieces, Bilgili said.

The boy shared over 70 videos with the nickname of "Lord of Lego" on his YouTube channel and Instagram. The videos caught interest in Turkey and the Far East countries.

Bilgili explains his construction of different vehicles, such as deep-sea exploration vessel, Vestas wind turbine, republic fighter tank, in the videos.

"I cannot distinguish any Lego from the other. I like all of them," Efe told Anadolu Agency.

"My friends got very surprised when they saw my products. My teachers like it, too.

"Passion and wonder encourages me to combine Legos. They are not a toy for me but a hobby."

Bilgili said he nowadays tries to move Legos with robotic coding. "In the future, I would like to work in a Lego company as a designer."

"Efe is making more beautiful Legos with more pieces day by day. He can create a piece from up to 3,000 blocks in a day," said his father Firat Bilgili.

Underscoring that Legos are very valuable for her son, his mother Sevinc Bilgili said: "We are cleaning and arranging Legos with Efe."

"Sometimes I exhibit my son's Legos in a showcase in the house's hall," she added.