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Popular diets can result in death

Agencies and A News LIFE
Published August 15,2023

Vegan nutrition advocate and 39-year-old social media influencer Zhanna Samsonova's death from starvation during her Southeast Asia trip while following an exotic fruit diet has once again drawn attention to the dangers of incorrect dietary practices.

Dietitian Neslihan Aktepe stated, "We once again see that diets labeled as popular can be extremely harmful. There is no such thing as an 'exotic fruit diet' in books or conferences; these are topics brought up by non-dietitian influencers. We can definitely say that it is not a proper nutrition model. Exotic fruits are hard to find and expensive. Instead of claiming to follow a 'popular diet' with such costs, it is essential to consume meat, dairy, yogurt, fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, olives, and fish. It's important to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, the body starts failing over time."

Aktepe continued, "Unhealthy programs can lead individuals to such extremes as death. Before starting any diet, blood tests should be done under the guidance of experts, and personalized programs should be applied. If a diet is causing you to struggle, there is something wrong. Feeling excessively hungry is not correct."

It's crucial to approach diet and nutrition with expert guidance and evidence-based practices to ensure one's health and well-being.