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Turkish expat completes 5,800-kilometer bike ride to hometown

Mustafa Kemal Karcı cycled 5,800 kilometers from Germany to his hometown of Kula, Manisa,Türkiye, arriving after 108 days to a festive welcome. He thanked his supporters, calling the journey both challenging and fulfilling.

Published August 20,2024

Turkish expatriate Mustafa Kemal Karcı, who has lived in Germany, embarked on a journey on May 4, cycling from Germany to reach his hometown, Kula in Manisa. After a challenging 108-day journey, Karcı arrived in Kula to a warm welcome with confetti and flowers from family and friends.

Having left Kula years ago when his family moved to Ludwigsburg, Germany, and only managing to visit once every 3-4 years, Karcı fulfilled his long-held dream of returning to his hometown.

On the day he reached Kula, Karcı was greeted with a festive reception and visited the historic Kestaneciler Mansion, now serving as a Turkish House, where he and his family refreshed old memories.

Karcı expressed that achieving this success required a long and arduous journey and he thanked those who supported him. He noted that he cycled through 9 countries and covered approximately 5,800 kilometers in around 100 days.

Karcı said, "Visiting Kula by bicycle was a childhood dream. I saw cyclists in the mountains of Austria a long time ago, and they inspired me. This journey was challenging but rewarding. I traveled through 9 countries and covered 5,800 kilometers. I am grateful to my family, nieces, and everyone who supported me. I am fortunate to have such a family, and I thank everyone deeply."