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Israeli forces kill Palestinian teen in occupied West Bank - ministry

Published February 15,2022

A Palestinian was killed by Israeli fire in the occupied West Bank Tuesday, the Palestinian health ministry said, during what witnesses described as a confrontation between protesters and Israeli troops.

The ministry said only that a Palestinian "citizen" was killed by Israeli fire in Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah.

Residents identified the victim as Nehad Bargouthi, 19, who was shot as local youths hurled stones at Israeli forces.

An Israeli army spokesperson told AFP they were looking into the incident.

The killing comes days after another teenager was killed by Israeli gunfire near the flashpoint town of Jenin.

Mohammed Abu Salah, 17, was shot during clashes that erupted as Israeli forces were destroying the home of a Palestinian they accused of carrying out the December killing of a Jewish settler in the West Bank.

Israel has occupied the West Bank since the 1967 Six-Day War.

About 475,000 Jewish settlers now live in the territory, in communities widely regarded as illegal under international law, a situation which also fuels tensions with the West Bank's nearly 2.9 million Palestinians.

Deadly incidents are common, often during clashes between Palestinians and Israeli troops.