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Names of Gazan children written on their palms to ensure swift identification of bodies in case of bombings by Israel

The people of Gaza, enduring the hardships of a long-standing blockade, have adopted a heart-wrenching practice to ensure their children can be recognized in the aftermath of Israeli attacks. They are writing their names on their palms as a way to facilitate the identification process during times of conflict.

Agencies and A News MIDDLE EAST
Published October 19,2023

In Gaza, where the blockade has caused immense suffering, families have resorted to writing their names on their palms to ensure their children can be identified in the aftermath of Israeli attacks.

The recent Israeli assault on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital on October 17 resulted in numerous casualties, and some victims' identities could not be determined. This has added another layer of anxiety for Gaza's residents, who fear their loved ones might go unrecognized if they perish in the attacks.

Individuals, including both adults and children who have sought refuge at the Shifa Medical Complex, one of the largest hospitals in the Gaza Strip, have devised a practical solution to this problem. They are now writing their names on the palms of their hands to facilitate identification in the event of an attack.

Ahmed Abu es-Seba (35), currently residing at the Shifa Medical Complex, shared that he inscribes his name, as well as the names of his children and relatives, on their hands. This precaution is taken to ensure the swift identification of bodies in case of bombings by Israeli aircraft.

Abu Seba underlined that due to Israeli attacks, many individuals, especially children, have lost their lives without anyone knowing their identities. He stated, "Israel does not discriminate; it bombs indiscriminately."