Bloomberg calls Erdoğan "indispensable leader in finding a resolution for Gaza crisis" | Key to solving Gaza crisis lies in Türkiye

Bloomberg calls Erdoğan "indispensable leader in finding a resolution for Gaza crisis" | Key to solving Gaza crisis lies in Türkiye

The US television channel Bloomberg ran the headline: "The key to solving the Gaza crisis lies in Türkiye." It pointed out that US President Biden should call on his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for a solution in the region. Recognizing Türkiye as one of the decisive countries in the region due to its successful diplomatic policies, Bloomberg highlighted its proposal of "Guarantorship," which could play a crucial role in resolving the Gaza crisis.

US-based Bloomberg television channel recently made a thought-provoking headline, stating that the key to solving the Gaza crisis lies in Türkiye. The article suggested that US President Joe Biden should reach out to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for a potential solution in the region.
This idea was further supported by an analysis on Bloomberg's website, which shed light on the strained relationship between Türkiye and the United States during US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken's visit to Ankara.
It was highlighted that President Erdoğan refused to meet with America's top diplomat, emphasizing his discontent towards recent events.
The analysis stressed Erdoğan's significant role as an influential player in Middle East affairs and an indispensable leader in finding a resolution for the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.
Bloomberg also reminded readers that Erdoğan is one of few leaders who maintain official relations with both parties involved. In comparing Türkiye's influence with other important actors relied upon by the USA, Bloomberg noted Qatar's lack of official relations with Israel despite hosting senior executives from Hamas, while Egypt maintains diplomatic ties but remains suspicious of Hamas.
The article deemed it a diplomatic blunder that neither Biden nor Netanyahu immediately reached out to Erdoğan following their respective discussions; stressing that such communication would have been essential given Erdoğan's crucial involvement in resolving this crisis.
Furthermore, it emphasized Türkiye's pivotal role not only regarding Gaza but also Ukraine's grain exports and potentially brokering peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan; making clear Türkiye's indispensability for various issues on the global stage.