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Erdoğan: Israel aims to massacre more than 2 mln Palestinians by turning Gaza into Nazi extermination camps

Israel's Netanyahu and his network resort to every kind of provocation in order to implement their radical Zionist ideology. The Israeli government aims to massacre over 2 million people in Gaza, which it has turned into something akin to Nazi extermination camps, either through bombs or by starvation and thirst,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stressed in his comments to media outlets before heading to the United States.

Agencies and A News MIDDLE EAST
Published September 21,2024

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed the press with significant remarks regarding current issues before his departure for the United States.


"We will be heading to New York to participate in the General Debate of the 79th United Nations General Assembly. This year, more than 130 heads of state and government are expected to attend the General Debate, where representatives from all UN member states will be present. We will have an intensive schedule of meetings and discussions in the United States.

The most noteworthy event of this year's General Assembly is the Summit of the Future, organized under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. The summit, to be held on September 23, aims to produce common solutions in the face of challenges to the multilateral system. In my speech at the summit, I will once again emphasize the need for reform in the global governance mechanism, particularly the United Nations Security Council and the International Financial Architecture. We will underscore the necessity of a more inclusive, fair, and effective structure. I will also express Türkiye's commitment and support for efforts in this direction.

This year's General Debate will be held under the theme 'Leaving No One Behind.' On the first day of the debate, Tuesday, September 24, I will address the United Nations General Assembly. In my speech, I will share our views on issues concerning our region and humanity. We will particularly touch on potential collective actions against the genocide in Gaza and Israel's aggressive policies.

The approaching winter will further worsen the hardships faced by our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Hunger, lack of water, and shortages of basic food and medical supplies are deteriorating the situation on the ground. The Israeli government aims to massacre over 2 million people in Gaza, which it has turned into something akin to Nazi extermination camps, either through bombs or by starvation and thirst.

We all have important responsibilities, especially the United Nations, to end this oppression that has been ongoing for nearly a year, to establish a lasting ceasefire, and to ensure the unhindered flow of humanitarian aid. During our visit, we will remind our counterparts of these responsibilities once again.

As you know, I have been saying since the beginning that Israel's target is not just Gaza. The recent attacks on Lebanon have confirmed our concerns about Israel's plans to spread the war throughout the region. Netanyahu and his network resort to every provocation and incitement to realize their radical Zionist ideology. The increasing attacks and harassment against our first qibla, Al-Aqsa Mosque, are also part of this dirty scenario.

As Türkiye, we have repeatedly expressed the extent of our sensitivity on this issue. Today, we maintain the same stance. To prevent our region from being dragged into a major disaster, pressure on Israel must be increased.

In addition to my meetings with the UN Secretary-General, I will also meet with many of my counterparts at the Turkish House, and alongside these bilateral meetings, I will continue my discussions with the heads of state and government representatives who have requested appointments with us. During our visit, we will also meet with our citizens living in the United States. We will hold talks with representatives of think tanks and prominent members of the American business community. I hope that our visit and the meetings we will hold within this framework will be beneficial for our country, our nation, and all of humanity."