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Google Drive will not be available on this operating system in 2023

In the official support web page of the system, the following statements are included, referring to the updates about the 66th version of this software, which was released on October 27: "In January 2023, Drive for desktop is ending support for Windows 7 and macOS versions below 10.15.7. To continue getting support and updates for Drive for desktop."

Published December 17,2022

In the year of 2022 it became very difficult to doubt the efficiency and use of Google Drive; because the program is especially business-oriented and has become a must-have for saving files.

But it doesn't sound like good news that a major operating system still used by many, Windows 7, is no longer supported by Drive.

In the official support web page of the system, the following statements are included, referring to the updates about the 66th version of this software, which was released on October 27:

"In January 2023, Drive for desktop is ending support for Windows 7 and macOS versions below 10.15.7. To continue getting support and updates for Drive for desktop:

  • Windows users: Upgrade to Windows 8 or higher by January 2023.
  • macOS users: Upgrade to macOS 10.15.7 or higher by January 2023."

The app has also started sending notifications to anyone using the desktop Drive app.

Therefore, if you are a Google Drive user and need to continue using it in 2023, you may want to update your Windows operating system.