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Disturbing 'build-a-child' ındustry set to be powered by AI

On the other hand, this innovative technology raises concerns about possible misuse and ethical dilemmas. As reproductive technologies advance, AI-generated images of children could pave the way for their actual creation. This poses a fundamental question about the true purpose of having a child.

Agencies and A News TECH
Published August 02,2023

AI's latest creation, Remini, has emerged as a tool enabling users to upload photos of themselves and their partners, generating images of potential future children. The app offers two contrasting perspectives.

On one hand, it provides people with a glimpse into their potential future as parents, potentially motivating them to consider parenthood sooner rather than later. Some users have expressed excitement about envisioning themselves in such a role.

On the other hand, this innovative technology raises concerns about possible misuse and ethical dilemmas. As reproductive technologies advance, AI-generated images of children could pave the way for their actual creation. This poses a fundamental question about the true purpose of having a child.

The emergence of the "build-a-child" industry, coupled with in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques, allows fertility clinics to offer a personalized experience. They can present parents with lifelike images of potential offspring, and genetic testing permits the selection of embryos based on desired traits such as sex, eye color, hair color, skin color, and even the absence of certain health conditions.

\However, this also leads to controversial situations, like the attempt of deaf parents to create a child inheriting their deafness, and the subsequent destruction of unwanted embryos.

The fertility industry is a lucrative market, with IVF alone accounting for $3 billion in the United States and the overall fertility market generating approximately $8 billion.

The current lack of comprehensive regulation in this field opens the possibility for AI to be harnessed, further enhancing the process of conceiving children. However, this does not necessarily imply that every possibility imagined by AI should be turned into reality.

It is crucial to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences of AI's integration in reproductive technologies. There have been instances where genetic testing has failed, leading to legal disputes between fertility clinics and clients. Moreover, selecting a child based on specific desired traits can raise concerns about eugenics and the perpetuation of biased preferences.

As this technology evolves, it is essential to approach its implementation thoughtfully and responsibly. Blindly embracing AI's capabilities may risk reducing children to mere products, designed, marketed, and commodified. Each child is a unique human being, deserving of unconditional love, and should not be reduced to an accessory to fulfill adult desires or preferences.