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Turkish-made engine equipped AKSUNGUR UAV successfully complete 41-hour flight

TUSAŞ took to their social media account to share the news of AKSUNGUR's latest achievement. The domestically produced UAV, developed by TUSAŞ using local and national capabilities, successfully completed a 41-hour flight powered by the national engine TEI-PD170. This marks another milestone for the impressive AKSUNGUR.

Published January 10,2024

In a post made on TUSAŞ's social media account, it was announced that AKSUNGUR successfully completed a 41-hour flight with the national engine TEI-PD170.

The domestically produced AKSUNGUR UAV, developed with local and national capabilities by TUSAŞ, has achieved another milestone.

This time, the AKSUNGUR UAV accomplished a 41-hour flight with the national engine TEI-PD170 developed by TUSAŞ Motor Sanayii.

TUSAŞ's social media account shared excerpts from the 41-hour flight with the hashtag "41 times mashallah" related to the subject.