Kurdish mother hits out at HDP for having a part in abduction of her daughter by PKK

Kurdish mother hits out at HDP for having a part in abduction of her daughter by PKK

Fatma Akkuş -- the mother of Songül who was abducted by the terror group -- said in a statement that the HDP played the role of facilitator in the abduction of her daughter. "Children as young as 9 to 14 cannot go anywhere on their own. My daughter could not go out alone in town. I mean, she was taken by PKK with help of HDP," said Akkuş.

A sit-in in southeastern Turkey against the PKK terror group has entered its 462nd day.

The protest began on Sept. 3, 2019 in Diyarbakır province when three mothers said their children had been forcibly recruited by the PKK terrorists.

The sit-in outside the office of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) -- which the government accuses of having links to the terrorist PKK -- has been growing every day.

Fatma Akkuş, the mother of Songül who was abducted by the terror group, said HDP played the role of facilitator in the abduction of her daughter.

"Children as young as 9 to 14 cannot go anywhere on their own. My daughter could not go out alone in town. I mean, she was taken by PKK with help of HDP," said Akkuş.

She urged her daughter to surrender to security forces.

Şevket Bingöl, whose teenaged son Tuncay was abducted six years ago, said he wants an immediate answer from the HDP.

"I want HDP deputies to come here and make an explanation. But they wouldn't dare to come here. Their children study in the US and Europe. Where is my child?" Bingöl said.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US and the EU - has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.