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Turkish FM Fidan condemns despicable acts towards Islamic holy book Qur'an in Sweden

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan expressed strong condemnation in response to the Quran burning incident in Sweden. Fidan firmly stated, "I strongly condemn this abhorrent act. It is absolutely unacceptable to tolerate such anti-Islamic actions under the guise of freedom of expression."

Agencies and A News TÜRKIYE
Published June 28,2023

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan strongly condemned the Quran burning incident in Sweden.

In his statement, Fidan expressed his condemnation of the deplorable act, emphasizing: "I condemn this abhorrent act. It is absolutely unacceptable to permit such anti-Islamic actions under the guise of freedom of expression."

"It is unacceptable to allow these Islamophobic actions on the pretext of freedom of expression. To pretend not to see such despicable and hateful acts is to be a party to the crime," Turkish top diplomat Fidan stressed in a social media post.

Fidan's remarks came after Swedish authorities granted permission for a Quran-burning protest outside a mosque.

Meanwhile, Ömer Çelik, a spokesperson for Türkiye's Justice and Development (AK) Party said in a statement: "We condemn the Swedish authorities' approval of the application to burn the Qur'an in front of a mosque on Eid al-Adha."

"We strongly condemn the Swedish Supreme Court's stance on protecting hate crimes. Every disrespect is a crime against humanity. We will continue to fight against these cursed acts in the strongest way possible on all political and legal grounds," Çelik added.