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President Erdoğan marks 102nd Victory Day with call for unity and strength

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: "As we walk determinedly towards our Turkey Century goals, we are turning our ideal of a great and powerful Türkiye into reality, step by step."

Published August 30,2024

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan issued a message on August 30 Victory Day, highlighting the significance of the occasion. In his message, Erdoğan stated:

"Today, we celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the Great Victory with enthusiasm, excitement, and pride. On this critical day in our history, I extend my congratulations to our heroic nation, our Turkish Cypriot brothers, and the millions of our citizens around the world.

The Great Victory, described by Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as the 'immortal monument of the Turkish Nation's freedom and independence,' has eternally confirmed our presence on Anatolian lands.

The August 30 Battle of Dumlupınar defeated the invading armies, shattered the axis of imperialism, and opened the doors to the declaration of the Republic.

With the Great Victory, the Turkish Nation declared once again to the world that it would not accept servitude, would not allow its will to be chained, and would never compromise on living independently in its own homeland.

Thanks to the bravery of our martyrs, the blood of our veterans, and the sacrifices of our nation, the Great Victory continues to guide us today. As we walk resolutely towards the goals of the Century of Türkiye, we are also turning our vision of a great and strong Türkiye into reality step by step.

'Today we are stronger than yesterday; tomorrow we will be even stronger.' We are mobilizing all our resources to stop the conflicts, oppression, and massacres occurring in different parts of the world, especially in Gaza.

We stand firm with the oppressed, regardless of their identity or beliefs, and without expecting any material gain. I am pleased to express this: Today, we are stronger than yesterday; and hopefully, we will be even stronger tomorrow.

Together with our friends and allies who share our ideals, we will establish a global order where everyone is represented with justice. Türkiye, which inspired oppressed nations with the War of Independence, will also guide a world dominated by peace, justice, and tranquility.

With these thoughts, I commemorate with gratitude the Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms, wish God's mercy upon our martyrs who are the eternal guardians of our independence, and express my gratitude to our veterans. Happy August 30 Victory Day."