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Turkey remembers 1978 martyrdom of diplomat

Anadolu Agency WORLD
Published June 09,2019

Turkey on Sunday commemorated assassination of the Turkish Secretary at the Consulate-General of Turkey in Geneva Mehmet Savaş Yergüz.

"We remember with respect our martyr Mehmet Savaş Yergüz, Secretary at the Consulate-General of Turkey in Geneva, assassinated by the Armenian terrorist organization ASALA on 9.6.1981," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a Twitter post.

On June 9, 1981, Mehmet Savaş Yergüz was shot dead in the head and chest at a red light at the corner of Ferdinand Hodler Street and Boulevard Helvetique in Geneva.

The attack was just one of the assassinations of Turkish diplomats and family members around the world by Armenian terror groups ASALA and JCAG.

Founded in 1975 in Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War, ASALA blamed JCAG for hundreds of bloody terror acts.

In order to compel the Turkish government "to acknowledge publicly its responsibility for the so-called Armenian genocide in 1915, pay reparations, and cede territory for an 'Armenian homeland'," ASALA martyred Turkish diplomats in numerous bloody attacks.

These Armenian terrorist attacks intensified from 1980 to 1983, when 580 of the 699 attacks -- over 80 percent -- occurred. The terrorist attacks ended in 1986, according to the Armenian Terror study.