EU wants a Brexit deal, despite emotions running high

EU wants a Brexit deal, despite emotions running high

The European Union remains constructive on Brexit, even when British emotions are running high, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said Wednesday, according to a tweet by European Commission spokeswoman Mina Andreeva.

"We want a deal," Andreeva wrote, citing Barnier's debrief to EU commissioners on Brexit talks taking place this week.

Tensions flared on Tuesday as the British government reportedly accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of considering a Brexit deal to be "overwhelmingly unlikely," following a telephone conversation between her and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

European Council President Donald Tusk later told Johnson via Twitter that "what's at stake is not winning some stupid blame game," but rather the future of Europe and Britain.

Johnson has vowed to leave the EU on October 31, come what may. However, efforts to strike a deal to smooth Britain's departure risk foundering over proposals aimed at keeping open the border between EU member Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.

Last week, Johnson submitted proposals for an alternative to the Irish backstop arrangements that form part of the existing withdrawal deal, but EU officials remain unconvinced, following several rounds of technical talks in Brussels over recent days.

The issue could prove critical ahead of an EU leaders' summit starting next Thursday, at which Johnson had hoped to secure a deal.

Later Wednesday, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Barnier are due to brief EU lawmakers on the state of play.

On Thursday, London's Brexit negotiator Stephen Barclay - Barnier's counterpart - will be in Brussels to take stock of this week's talks, a British spokesman said.