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India joins Quad joint naval exercise in Bay of Bengal

Anadolu Agency WORLD
Published April 05,2021

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) member states began a three-day joint naval exercise in the Bay of Bengal on Monday, the Indian Defense Ministry said a statement.

For the first time, Indian Navy ships are taking part in the naval exercise alongside the Royal Australian Navy, Japan Maritime Self Defense Force, and US Navy. The exercise organized by the French Navy near Kochi in the southern state of Kerala will last until April 7.

The Quad group held its first virtual meeting on March 12 and discussed regional and global issues of shared interest, and also exchanged views on practical areas of cooperation to maintain a free, open and inclusive Indo-Pacific region amid rising global concerns over China's influence in the region.

The Indian Navy ships-INS Satpura (with an integrated helicopter) and INS Kiltan-as well as the P8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft are taking part in the multilateral maritime exercise, dubbed La Perouse, said the statement.

It added that the exercise included complex and advanced naval operations such as surface warfare, anti-air warfare, and air defense training, arms fire exercises, cross-deck flying operations, tactical maneuvers, and seamanship evolutions such as replenishment at sea.

The exercise will showcase high levels of synergy, coordination, and interoperability, according to the statement.

The Indian Navy's participation in the exercise reflects its common ideals with friendly navies in ensuring freedom of the seas, as well as its contribution to an open, inclusive Indo-Pacific and a rules-based international order, it added.