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Pakistan forces fire at Afghans at border, three killed

Published August 27,2021
Pakistani border forces on Friday fired at a group of Afghans who tried to storm their way into the country, killing three people and wounding a couple others, officials said.

The incident occurred at the Torkham border crossing that links the north-western Pakistani region of Khyber with Nangarhar in Afghanistan, at least two officials confirmed to dpa.

Thousands of Afghans fleeing Taliban rule have gathered at the border, hoping to cross into Pakistan.

But Pakistani authorities were not allowing them to enter even if they have valid travel documents, an intelligence official said.

The authorities had closed Torkham, one of the two major border crossings, some months ago owing to an increase in coronavirus cases, another official with the customs department said.

More than 10,000 Afghans, including new refugees, are entering Pakistan through Chaman, another border crossing between the province of Balochistan and Kandahar in Afghanistan.

Pakistan has been hosting millions of Afghan refugees since 1979 when their country was invaded by Soviet forces and plunged into chaos afterwards.

Pakistani authorities have said in recent weeks they will not allow any more refugees to cross into the country because they can't afford the influx economically and socially.

Also on Friday, Pakistani authorities said they would host Afghans and the Western nationals being airlifted from Afghanistan temporarily.

Thousands of Afghans are waiting for evacuation through Kabul airport despite deadly bombings on Thursday, and many more are trying to flee Taliban rule across the borders with Pakistan and Iran.