At least 110 dead after floods and landslides in Brazil

At least 110 dead after floods and landslides in Brazil

The death toll after landslides and flooding in the city of Petrópolis in Brazil has risen to at least 110, the news portal G1 reported on Thursday.
According to the report, at least 13 under aged were among the dead and 33 victims had been identified. It remains unclear how many people are missing, but G1 reported 134.
At least 80 houses are said to have been hit by a mudslide, leaving more than 370 people homeless in the city, situated in the state of Rio de Janeiro north of its neighbouring city of the same name.
Other 180 residents at high risk areas were taken to shelters in schools. Many houses are illegally built on landslide-prone mountain slopes.
Hundreds of firefighters and police officers were deployed to help wit the recovery and clean-up operations.
"We have mobilized teams and machinery and will do whatever is necessary to rebuild the city and ease the pain of the families," said Rio de Janeiro Governor Claudio Castro.
Two bills to provide financial aid to the city and its residents were approved on Thursday.
On Tuesday, the region saw more rain over a six-hour period than had been forecast for the entire month of February, the weather-focused television channel Climatempo reported.
The full extent of the damage became visible at daybreak. The G1 news website described Petrópolis as a "city under mud."