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Time names Ukraine's Zelensky among most influential people

"The spectrum of ways influence can be wielded has never been clearer than in this #TIME100 which includes Putin... & Zelensky," tweeted Time's editor in chief Edward Felsenthal. "The dictator behind a brutal war & the Ukrainian President, a rare heroic figure in our divisive time."

Published May 24,2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been named one of the 100 most influential people of 2022 by Time Magazine.

"In President Zelensky, the people of Ukraine have a leader worthy of their bravery and resilience," U.S. President Joe Biden wrote.

"The nations of the free world, inspired by the example of President Zelensky, are more united, more determined, and more purposeful than at any point in recent memory," the U.S. leader added.

The Ukrainian military's chief of general staff Valery Zaluzhny also made it onto the list, as did Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered the invasion of neighbouring Ukraine three months ago.

"The spectrum of ways influence can be wielded has never been clearer than in this #TIME100 which includes Putin... & Zelensky," tweeted Time's editor in chief Edward Felsenthal. "The dictator behind a brutal war & the Ukrainian President, a rare heroic figure in our divisive time."

Time has been publishing the annual list since 1999.