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New vaccination campaign to start next week: Lauterbach

Published September 13,2022

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach predicted a speedy start to the next Covid-19 vaccination programme in Germany.

"We will probably already start making the vaccine available next week," Lauterbach said on Tuesday on the sidelines of a visit to Rehovot, near Tel Aviv, in Israel.

A further vaccine produced by the German-US partnership of BioNTech and Pfizer, tailored to the BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, was approved by the European Commission on Monday.

"I am happy that this vaccine has now been authorized, as expected," Lauterbach said. "We how have two very well adapted vaccines to offer, and so we will be able to vaccinate all those in the coming weeks who want to be vaccinated."