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Will Charles make a good king? Poll comparison shows great difference in 3 years

There were plenty of discussions recently surrounding King Charles III, and one of these discussions was actually the question of whether King Charles III will be making for a good king. There have been several public polls conducted about this question, and the most recent one is seemingly also the most surprising.

Published September 15,2022

As King Charles III took over the throne after the death of his mother Elizabeth, debates on the place of the monarchy were sparked once again in UK.

Part of one of these discussions was actually the question of whether King Charles III will be making for a good king.

There have been several public polls conducted about this question, and the most recent one is seemingly also the most surprising.

The comparison chart shared by The Times and The Sunday Times, data from YouGov, shows that from the first survey in 2019 until May 2022, in approximately 3 years, the percentage of the people that think King Charles III will make a good job remained approximately the same.

People that are not sure or don't think that he will be good enough are also seen at the same level as 3 years ago in May.

However, in September 2022, after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, it can be surprisingly seen that the number of people that think King Charles will be a good king drastically increased, as the percentage that is floating between 30-40% before, has jumped to %63.

Users on social media commented on the polls questioning whether the change was related to him being actually on the throne now, hence people wanting him to succeed, while others questioned the relativity of the polls and the powers of the king.