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G20 countries 'deeply concerned' about the global food crisis

Published November 15,2022

The G20 group of leading world economies is "deeply concerned" about the global food crisis, according to a draft for a joint final declaration of the summit in Indonesia.

Global food security has been "exacerbated by current conflicts and tensions," the G20 write, calling for the use of "all available tools" to fight the crisis and "protect the most vulnerable from hunger."

Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which began at the end of February, has had a severe impact on global food markets. The two countries are considered two of the most important grain exporters worldwide.

The G20 member states, including Russia, promised to "take action to promote food and energy security and support stability of markets, providing temporary and targeted support," according to the joint declaration.

"We will take further coordinated actions to address food security challenges including price surges and shortage of food commodities and fertilizers globally."