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Israel and US start joint military flight exercises

Published November 29,2022

Israel and the US have begun a series of joint military flight exercises, the Israeli military announced on Tuesday.

Fighter jets and tanker aircraft from both countries will "simulate a number of scenarios in the face of regional threats" over several days, the military said. It did not provide further information.

The Jerusalem Post reported that this is one of the largest exercises in years. According to the newspaper, it will also include long-distance flights, which could become necessary in the event of an escalation with Iran.

The Israeli chief of staff, Aviv Kochavi, announced last week after a visit to Washington that the joint drills with the US military in the region would be "significantly expanded."

Israel suspects Iran of working on a nuclear bomb under the cover of a civilian nuclear programme. The country sees this as a threat to its existence.

Israeli politicians have indirectly threatened a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities and repeatedly warned against a revival of the international nuclear agreement with the country. Negotiations between Iran and the other parties to the agreement - China, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and the US - have been on hold for months after initial hopes that they would continue towards a new agreement.

Former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently trying to form a far-right religious government in Israel. It is expected that he could put Iran back at the centre of his agenda, as he did in his previous terms.