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Moscow, Kiev accuse each other of imminent attack on nuclear plant

Published July 04,2023

Moscow and Kiev are both accusing each other of an imminent attack on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine.

The Ukrainian armed forces could try to attack the plant as early as Wednesday night, using missiles and drones, Renat Karchaa, adviser to the head of the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosenergoatom, warned on state television on Tuesday.

The Ukrainian General Staff, in turn, wrote in its daily situation report that Russian forces had allegedly placed explosive devices on the plant's roof to indicate an imminent attack.

The explosive devices were attached to the roofs of the third and fourth reactor units, but were probably not intended to damage the reactors themselves, said the report.

Ukraine will not violate the norms of international law, the military leadership in Kiev stressed.

This is, however, exactly what Karchaa accuses the Ukrainians of doing.

Karchaa claims that Kiev is not only planning on shelling the nuclear power plant, but also on dropping a bomb containing nuclear waste at the same time. No evidence was provided to support the claim.