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Russia says hit Ukrainian UAV workshops, depots of Storm Shadow and HIMARS systems

Anadolu Agency WORLD
Published October 07,2023
(AA Photo)

Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said Friday that the country hit assembly workshops of Ukrainian-made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and depots housing Storm Shadow and High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) in missile strikes on Ukraine.

"Ammunition depots, missile and artillery systems, military-technical equipment, production workshops of enterprises producing weapons and military equipment, areas where Ukrainian military personnel, foreign mercenaries and nationalists were deployed were hit," Konashenkov said regarding the army's 14 attacks between Sept. 29 and Oct. 6 on military infrastructure facilities with long-range high-precision missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

"Large-scale assembly workshops of 'Punisher' and 'Fury' UAVs for attack and reconnaissance purposes, 'Storm Shadow' and 'Scalp' cruise missiles and 'HIMARS' missiles. warehouses, explosive materials components for ammunition production were destroyed," he said.

Foreign mercenary fighters and trainers and "Ukrainian nationalist" troops were shot at temporary deployment points, he added.