Erdoğan expresses well-wishes for Muslims via Night of Barat message

Erdoğan expresses well-wishes for Muslims via Night of Barat message

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan conveyed his congratulations for the Night of Barat through a message released on social media. In his remarks, he expressed well-wishes for this sacred occasion, which marks the approach of Ramadan. He extended prayers for the health, peace, and prosperity of our nation and the entire Islamic community.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan commemorated the Night of Barat by issuing a message of congratulations.
Erdoğan, in his message published on social media, said, "I congratulate the blessed Night of Barat, which is the harbinger of Ramadan, for our nation and the Islamic world. May our Lord bring us to Ramadan together with our loved ones in health, peace, and well-being. May Allah be the helper of the oppressed in every corner of our heartfelt geography, especially our brothers and sisters in Gaza."