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Take Russia's threats seriously, Poland's Foreign Minister tells West

Published February 25,2024

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski is warning Western countries that Russia could expand its military aggression in Ukraine to other countries.

If Russian President Vladimir Putin and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev make threats, then unfortunately he has to believe them, the liberal-conservative politician said in comments carried by broadcaster TVN24 on Sunday.

It was necessary to prepare for the fact that Russia could put NATO's security guarantees to the test, Sikorski said. Poland has been a member of the transatlantic defence alliance since 1999.

The pro-Russian prime minister of Ukraine's neighbour Slovakia, Robert Fico, on the other hand, warned against a "false demonization" of Putin in a video message published on social media.

The leader of a left-wing nationalist coalition said the West's previous strategy in the Ukraine war was a failure. Russia could not be brought to its knees, neither politically nor economically, Fico said, sharply criticizing the European Union.

Fico accused the bloc of not having developed a real peace plan. "The EU's only plan is to continue supporting the mutual killing of Slavs," said Fico. Russia has been waging an all-out war of aggression against Ukraine for two years.