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Israel threatens to reoccupy southern Lebanon in response to Hezbollah attacks

In Israel, Bezalel Smotrich, the far-right Finance Minister, has warned that if Hezbollah does not end their attacks on Israel, they may consider reoccupying southern Lebanon. As reported by Israel's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Smotrich voiced these statements at a gathering held by his party in northern Israel's Galilee area, an area frequently hit by rockets from Hezbollah.

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published May 19,2024

Far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has threatened to reoccupy southern Lebanon if Hezbollah's attacks on Israel do not cease.

According to a report in Israel's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, Smotrich made these remarks during a meeting organized by his party in the Galilee region of northern Israel, which is targeted by Hezbollah rockets.

"We must give Hezbollah a clear ultimatum to cease fire completely and withdraw beyond the Litani River (in southern Lebanon)," Smotrich stated. He added, "If Hezbollah does not fully comply with our demands, the Israeli army should launch an offensive to defend the northern towns deep within Lebanese territory, including a ground incursion and military control of a region in southern Lebanon."

Hezbollah has not issued any statement regarding Smotrich's remarks.

Since October 8, 2023, clashes have been occurring along the border between the Israeli army and Hezbollah. The latest reports indicate that 300 Hezbollah members, 61 Lebanese civilians, 19 members of the Amal Movement, 13 Hamas members, 15 Islamic Jihad members, 14 Israeli soldiers, and 10 Israeli civilians have been killed in these confrontations.