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Becoming nuclear power is reminder of 'national unity': Pakistani Premier Sharif

Anadolu Agency WORLD
Published May 28,2024

Pakistan's "invincible defense" by becoming a nuclear power is a reminder of "national unity," Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said, as the South Asian country will commemorate the 26th anniversary of its nuclear tests on Tuesday.

It is the day of "renewing the pledge that we will always remain ready to thwart the nefarious designs of external and internal enemies, who want to endanger the country," Sharif said in a statement on Monday, declaring May 28 as a national holiday.

Pakistan will observe "Youm-i-Takbeer," as the 26th anniversary of the six "successful" nuclear tests conducted in the remote Chagai district of southwestern Balochistan province on May 28, 1998, days after its archrival India detonated five explosions.

On this day in 1998, he said, "the nation decided that there would be no compromise on the country's integrity and defense by not yielding to any external pressure.

"Both political and defense forces were united on the day under the National Flag to strengthen the country's defense."