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Erdoğan: TRNC is our apple of the eye, and we will continue to firmly protect it

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, "Northern Cyprus is our apple of the eye. It is a part of us. God willing, we will continue to firmly protect this trust."

Agencies and A News WORLD
Published July 20,2024

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spoke in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, where he went to attend the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Cyprus Peace Operation.

In his speech, Erdoğan noted:
"I am delighted to be with you on the 50th anniversary of the Peace Operation, which ensured the freedom of the Turkish Cypriot people. I want to especially convey the greetings and love of 85 million from the island to my brothers and sisters all around the island. I thank each of you individually for embracing us with your heartfelt love.

At the beginning of my words, I respectfully remember our heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives to keep our homeland alive. May the souls of the brave men who fell for our country, flag, independence, and future rest in peace. I kiss the hands of our veterans who fought bravely for the existence, rights, and freedom of the Turkish Cypriots and offer my gratitude to each of them. I pray to God for their healthy, blessed, and prosperous lives. Once again, I commemorate the architects of the Cyprus Peace Operation, then Prime Minister Mr. Bülent Ecevit, Deputy Prime Minister Professor Dr. Necmettin Erbakan, and Alparslan Türkeş, who fought for the Cyprus cause until his last breath, along with other statesmen and politicians. I pray to God for mercy upon the leaders of the Turkish Cypriots' sovereignty and freedom struggle, the late Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the late Founding President Rauf Denktaş.


I also respectfully remember the Mehmetçik and Mujahideen who fought shoulder to shoulder for the freedom of Northern Cyprus with the cries of "Allah Allah," mingling their blood with the blood of others. I heartily congratulate our July 20 Peace and Freedom Day. Here, I want to express one thing first; today, just like half a century ago, we are united as one heart and one wrist. As the motherland Türkiye and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, we stand back to back. Our presence here today, without distinction between the ruling party and the opposition, demonstrates the importance Türkiye places on the Cyprus cause. Our presence here today shows the importance Türkiye and the Turkish nation attach to the Cyprus cause. Northern Cyprus is our apple of the eye. It is a part of us. This place is entrusted to us not only by our martyrs but also by our heroic ancestors who conquered these lands with the companion of Prophet Osman. God willing, we will continue to firmly protect this trust.

I also sincerely thank all politicians and party leaders who instill courage in the Turkish Cypriots with their presence and share our common pride, declaring that 85 million stand with you. We will continue to strengthen the common solidarity we demonstrate in national matters. I pray to God to keep our unity and solidarity everlasting. Today, we are here not only to commemorate a heroic struggle but also to once again proclaim historical truths. We must always remember why the Cyprus Peace Operation was carried out and why Türkiye made such a decision.


Look, the years 1963 to 1974 were a period filled with blood, tears, and oppression for the Turkish Cypriots, who were confined to 3% of the island. The Turkish Cypriot people were excluded from the state they helped establish and were subjected to the inhumane pressure and attacks of the bloodthirsty EOKA. Even the United Nations Peacekeeping Force deployed on the island could not stop the frenzy of madness. They could not prevent the massacre. By 1974, the inhumane attacks aimed at the existence of the Turkish Cypriots had reached their peak. Exactly 50 years ago today, the heroic Mehmetçik took a historic step to remove the dagger aimed at the independence of the Turkish Cypriots. July 20, 1974, is the date we, as the motherland and a guarantor country, acted with the rights and obligations arising from international agreements and the responsibility history placed on our shoulders. As Türkiye, we fulfilled the responsibilities imposed on us by humanity and conscience. That day, we showed the world that the Turkish Cypriots are not alone and will never be left alone.

Our soldiers, who parachuted into the burning wheat fields set ablaze by the Greeks as if entering a rose garden, and our naval soldiers who advanced through mine-laden waters like Barbarossa, engraved their courage in history once again. The Cyprus Peace Operation saved the Turkish Cypriots from oppression, bringing them freedom and prosperity, ensuring their confidence in the future. Dr. Fazıl Küçük describes that historic day as follows; "The sun that rose on the morning of July 20 erased 11 years of darkness for the Turkish Cypriots, bringing freedom." Founding President Rauf Denktaş expresses his emotions by saying, "July 20 was the happiest day of my life." I want it to be known that the same joy, happiness, and pride that prevailed here that day also prevails in Türkiye today. We see July 20, which we celebrate as a holiday, as a symbol of protecting the sovereignty rights and equal status of the Turkish Cypriot people in line with their aspirations for peace, stability, and ideals.

Unfortunately, on the southern side of the island, there is a spoiled mentality that sees themselves as the sole rulers of the island. We are faced with such a situation that the Greek leader participates in ceremonies commemorating EOKA terrorists. Our Turkish Cypriot brothers and sisters are attacked, arrested, and mosques in the south are set on fire when they cross to the south. The Greeks openly demonstrate that they have no intention of sharing political power and economic prosperity, including the island's natural resources, with the Turkish Cypriots. Recently, the Greek Defense Minister made nonsensical statements again. We met with Mr. Mitsotakis abroad and told him that we would be in Northern Cyprus on the 20th and that he would be in the south, and hopefully, he would not provoke us like Dendias. He said he did not think of such a thing. If you don't think of such a thing, there is no problem, we said, and continued on our way. Extremely irresponsible steps are being taken, threatening the security of the entire island amidst ongoing conflicts in the region."